29th March 2022
Dear Parent/Carer,
This Thursday will see our pupils have a mock results day during Academic Review where latest grades will be shared. Staff will also be on hand to offer support to pupils about what choices that would lead them to have if this was to be replicated in the summer exams. Pupils will be bringing home this report so they can discuss it with you.
Advance Information Subject Plan for Summer 2022 examinations
The Advance Information for GCSE qualifications for 2022 have been released and departments have put together a summary of the key information for pupils in the link below;
Y11 Advance Information Booklet
It’s part of the package of support available for summer exams this year, in recognition of the disruption to education caused by the pandemic. The aim of advance information is to help guide and prioritise your child’s revision. It gives teachers information on the focus of the content of exams in summer 2022 for most subjects and will be used to focus learning and revision.
More general information from JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications) can be found here.
Advance information for the different exam boards are here. AQA OCR Edexcel Eduqas
Year 11 Revision Support
This Learning Programme, pupils have completed final mocks, which were supported the week before by completing ‘Walking Talking Mocks’, where staff have been modelling how to answer papers and discussing key techniques for completing exams as successfully as possible. These mocks have enabled teachers to plan the final weeks of targeted revision. Pupils have been allocated targeted revision sessions every Tuesday-Friday 3-4pm, which are also on their updated timetables. Subject staff have been continuing to add lessons to Teams and revision resources also.
Thank you for your continued support, if you wish to discuss anything further please contact your child’s Form Tutor in the first instance.
Yours sincerely,
Mr J Gatrell, Director of Standards