Sanctions – A Graduated Response

Our College community is inclusive based on the underling principles of dignity and forgiveness. Our rationale is that behaviour is a choice: pupils learn that positive and negative behaviour leads to positive and negative consequences respectively. Equally important is that the policy is rooted in respect – where staff speak and act courteously to pupils and so educate pupils to show similar respect towards staff and each other. Sometimes a pupils behaviour falls short of the standards expected at EPC. When this happens, we have a graduated level of sanctions appropriate to the incident, or inappropriate behaviour.

A sanction may be issued by a member of staff where a pupil does not act safely, respectfully, or responsibly or does not accept responsibility for their actions. When determining the sanction to be issued, the member of staff will consider the pupil’s circumstances (including their age and any SEND) alongside the circumstances of the case. The sanction issued will be appropriate to the seriousness of the incident taking those factors into account.

Examples of graduated response could be as follows (although this is not an exhaustive list):

Level 1: Low level, challenging behaviour dealt with by classroom/form teacher and any member of staff where the behaviour is outside the classroom using a range of appropriate strategies/sanctions (note in planner, moving seat, loss of ‘free time’, detention with class/form teacher, affirmative intervention, BIP, Subject Leader phone call).

In summary:
Level 1 – Class teacher/Form Tutor Referral

  1. Class teachers own the behaviour in their class, in the first instance a pupil should be addressed using level 1 suggested strategies outlined in the College Behaviour Policy

Examples: Chatty/noisy in the classroom, disrupting others, distracting others, silly behaviour, running/shouting in corridors, poor uniform and appearance, dropping litter, not following the one- way system.

Level 2: Moderate level challenging behaviour dealt with by classroom/ form teacher and any member of staff where the behaviour is outside the classroom using a range of appropriate strategies/sanctions (detention with Subject Leader/Year, BIP, Subject Leader phone call).

Contacting Parents
Level 1 concerns by phone or planner

  • Classroom Teacher
  • Form Tutor

Level 2 concerns by phone, planner, letter or meeting

  • Head of Department
  • Head of Learning

Examples: Persistent disruption to learning, health and safety risk, persistent lateness, repeated lack of work, repeated refusal to follow classroom instructions, persistent arguing back.


Level 3: High level challenging behaviour dealt with by Senior Leader/Subject Leader/Year using a range of appropriate strategies/sanctions (detention, Emmaus Centre, suspension, permanent exclusion).

Examples: Refusal to cooperate with Senior Leader, Subject Leader or Head of Year, aggressive behaviour, smoking, vaping, drugs, alcohol, homophobic/racist remarks, fighting, defiance, extreme haircut, health and safety risk, e-safety risk


The Emmaus Centre is part of our graduated response to behaviour concerns and gives pupils an opportunity to have time to reflect on their choices and importantly their behaviour. This opportunity for reflection allows pupils to reconcile their actions so that poor behaviour choices do not impact on their ability to attain in line with their peers nationally.

The Emmaus Centre

The Emmaus Centre is named to reflect the reconciliation journey we encourage pupils to reflect upon. Pupils will sometimes make the wrong choices and it is our job as Christian educators to help them reflect on how they might approach things differently next time. Therefore, whilst the Centre has strict rules, the flavour is one of restorative justice and reconciliation with our Pastoral staff and Chaplaincy team working closely with the Centre Manager.

The SLT will make the final decision regarding pupils being placed in the Emmaus Centre. Pupils are expected to work in silence. A member of staff is always present to manage and support children whilst in the Emmaus Centre. Teaching staff should check the College email system regularly to monitor the pupils who have been placed there.

Whilst in Emmaus pupils will complete timetabled subject specific work. Classroom teachers will send work for pupils to complete.

It is expected that if a pupil is issued with a sanction, they complete it. This is about pupils being responsible for their own behaviour, actions and learning. If a pupil fails to complete a sanction then further support and/or sanctions will be issued at the discretion of the principal.


Behaviour outside of the College gates

Where behaviour occurs which is not safe, respectful or responsible when a pupil is outside of the College, an appropriate sanction will be given, in line with the ‘Overview of Our Sanctions System’. This is particularly in relation to violent conduct e.g. a physical assault or bullying incidents. Pupils are encouraged to wear their College uniform correctly when travelling to and from the College and must not be involved in behaviour that could adversely affect the reputation of the College. The expectations of pupils behaving safely, respectfully, and responsibly apply to college trips and visits and the same sanctions will be used if necessary.

Reintegration Meetings

Parents/carers will be expected to attend a reintegration meeting following a temporary suspension. The purpose will be to discuss the suspension and a way forward for the pupil with the aim of modifying their behaviour so they are safe, respectful and responsible.

Reporting to Parents

Consequences, sanctions and temporary suspensions will also be reported on Attitude to Learning reports issued to parents every half term.

Permanent Exclusion

A permanent exclusion can be issued by the principal for extreme violation of our expectations of pupils to be safe, respectful or responsible. Whilst this list is not exhaustive, the following are examples of behaviour which can result in permanent exclusion:

  • a) serious actual or threatened physical assault against another pupil or a member of staf
  • b) sexual harassment, sexual abuse (including online) or sexual violence c) supplying an illegal drug
  • d) possession of an illegal drug with intent to supply
  • e) carrying an offensive weapon (items judged by the principal to be carried with the potential to inflict injury on another individual
  • f) making a malicious serious false allegation against a member of staff
  • g) potentially placing pupils, staff and members of the public in significant danger or at risk of significant harm
  • h) persistent disruption and defiance including bullying (which could include racist or homophobic bullying) or repeated possession and/or use of an illegal drug or drug paraphernalia on school premises a. deliberate activation of the fire alarm without good intent
  • i) repeated or serious misuse of the College computers by hacking or other activities that compromise the integrity of the computer network
  • j) repeated verbal abuse of staff
  • k) any other offence not listed but is, in the opinion of the principal, so serious that it warrants a permanent exclusion.


No behaviour policy can cover all eventualities. The principal reserves the right to use their discretion, in line with this policy, to help EPC pupils make better choices. If pupils find it difficult to meet our high expectations of being safe, respectful or responsible, we will support them through appropriate reasonable adjustments and interventions. Consideration will be given as to whether continuing disruptive behaviour might be the result of unmet educational or other needs. At this point, the college will consider whether a multi-agency assessment is necessary

Reasonable Adjustments

Where appropriate, we will make reasonable adjustments for pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, whose specific needs mean that they find our high expectations difficult to meet. A reasonable adjustment never means that we lower our expectations. It means that some pupils need additional support to ensure that they meet the high expectations that we have for all of our pupils. Interventions We will support pupils to be safe, respectful and responsible in order to move towards the top of the pyramid by offering support, training, advice, and other interventions to help them.