Parent Carer Forum Cheshire West and Chester
High Needs Review  Many of you may remember that in 2019 the Council worked with a number of partners to co-produce a review of how they develop and deliver our SEND provision and services. The review was conducted to ensure that the special educational needs and disabilities and health and emotional wellbeing of the children and young people within Cheshire West and Chester can continue to be met through planning for the future. 

Many of you completed questionnaires and attended consultation briefings.  Here is the link to the final recommendations report. 

As a Parent Carer Forum, we have been working with the council to help them deliver some of these recommendations.  We have been attending a number of meetings about developing satellite provisions, training teachers, looking at Post 16 provision to ensure that parents’ views and concerns are heard.  If there is any view or opinions that you would like us to raise at these meetings then please complete this form. 

Ofsted Inspection 
In March last year Ofsted came to inspect the Local Authority and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).  Due to the pandemic, the inspection had to be halted.  During the last 12 months the Parent Carer Forum have been ensuring that we are in a position that when Ofted returns we will be able to accurately share your views.  We have used a number of methods to collect your experiences via surveys, Focus Groups, telephone calls in addition to this we are also attending a number of preparation meetings with both the LA and CCG.  These range from meetings that look at the Early Identification of Needs, Preparation for Adulthood through to how the Information, Advice and Support Service supports needs.  If you would like us to raise any of your views or concerns at these meetings then please let us know by completing this form.     
Do Not Resuscitate – DNR  Many of you will have read in the National Press that CCGs across the country have been given do not resuscitate orders for people with learning disabilities during the pandemic. Please be assured that we have raised this issue with Cheshire CCG and they have reiterated this is NOT a practice they endorse and their policies reflect this.    
Carers and vaccinations  A number of parents have contacted us about the difficulties they have been experiencing registering as a carer and thus getting a COVID injection under Group 6 of the government roll out.  We would be grateful if you could complete this short survey so that we can let the CCG know where the main problems are arising.

April Forum  When we conducted our last 2 surveys, the main theme that came back was that communication was a problem.  The pandemic has not eased these issues.  With this in mind we have invited David McNaught, Director of Education and Debbie Freeman, Senior Manager SEN to come along and talk about their plans to improve communication with the SEN Team. 
To register for your place please complete this form.   


Download the links   Please find the recording and the presentation from our last Forum in March. We would like to thank our presenters, Emma Walker (Live Well), Gill Tyler (Designated Clinical Officer), Cath Shaw (SEN Team)  and Annmarie Cotton (IASS).   Get Involved….    We are always looking for new parents and carers to join us. You can attend meetings, give feedback to influence the services your child or young person uses or help us to identify the gaps in services. Also, a chance to meet other parents and learn about what’s on offer in Cheshire West & Chester. 
  To contact us…..visit our Facebook page,
or join us for one of our meetings.
We hope to see you soon!