
The Governors at The Ellesmere Port C of E College, work to ensure the school delivers a high standard of learning and teaching on behalf of the students.

This is a committed group, comprising of members of the Community, Parent/carer Governors, and Staff Governors, one of whom is the Principal. The current Governing Body comprises:

Can I be a school Governor?

The Governing Body is always looking for individuals that have energy, enthusiasm, time and a real desire to help provide children with the best possible education. What’s really important is that the School has a good mix of people from their local community and from all walks of life, who can bring different viewpoints, experience, skills and fresh ideas.

You’ll need to be able to give some time to attend meetings and read the paperwork. The school has a Full Governing Body meeting once a term and you would also join a committee, which usually meets once per half term.

Being a school Governor is an opportunity to put something back into your community and to make a difference. It is widely recognised that good governance has a positive impact on standards of attainment, quality of leaning & teaching and student behaviour.

School governors can really make a difference in improving standards throughout the school

Please see ‘VACANCIES’ for any current Parent-Governor vacancy.

How can I find out more?

If you would like more information please contact the school. You can find the details listed on the Contact Us page.