Behaviour and Welfare: Emmaus Centre

Our College community is inclusive based on the underling principles of dignity and forgiveness. Our rationale is that behaviour is a choice: pupils learn that positive and negative behaviour leads to positive and negative consequences respectively. Equally important is that the policy is rooted in respect – where staff speak and act courteously to pupils and so educate pupils to show similar respect towards staff and each other.

The Emmaus Centre is part of our graduated response to behaviour concerns and gives pupils an opportunity to have time to reflect on their choices and importantly their behaviour. This opportunity for reflection allows pupils to reconcile their actions so that poor behaviour choices do not impact on their ability to attain in line with their peers nationally.

The Emmaus Centre

The Emmaus Centre is named to reflect the reconciliation journey we encourage pupils to reflect upon. Pupils will sometimes make the wrong choices and it is our job as Christian educators to help them reflect on how they might approach things differently next time. Therefore, whilst the Centre has strict rules, the flavour is one of restorative justice and reconciliation with our Pastoral staff and Chaplaincy team working closely with the Centre Manager.

The SLT will make the final decision regarding pupils being placed in the Emmaus Centre. Pupils are expected to work in silence. A member of staff is always present to manage and support children whilst in the Emmaus Centre. Teaching staff should check the College email system regularly to monitor the pupils who have been placed there.

Whilst in Emmaus pupils will complete timetabled subject specific work. Classroom teachers will send work for pupils to complete.