As you might be aware, the school was in the papers last week for a controlled explosion that took place on our school field.

We appreciate that whenever you hear the phrase “controlled explosion” you might be, very understandably, concerned about what this was, and why it happened. That is why we just wanted to give you some more information to provide reassurance about the situation.

Late last year, a new Science Technician was employed by the school. While doing an audit of all the school’s science equipment, she found a chemical that had been stored incorrectly. Essentially, not enough water had been added to that chemical and, overtime, the chemical had dried out. In liquid form the chemical is safe, in a powder form it becomes more sensitive to friction. In this situation, it is advised that the container the chemical is stored in is not opened.

The appropriate authorities were contacted, and following a series of conversations the police were notified. The police have a duty of care to act quickly to minimise any risk, and a small controlled explosion of the unopened container was carried out on our school playing fields.

At no point were any students or staff at risk, and we would like to thank the police for the support they provided.

While we are confident that this is an isolated incident, we have undertaken a full review of how all the chemicals in the school have been stored. No further issues have been found.