The Cheshire West and Chester Parent Carer Forum (CWaC PCF) represents families of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

About Cheshire West and Chester Parent Carer Forum

We are a parent led organisation that has grown year on year. Our role is to listen to the voices of parent carers with children with SEND in Cheshire West and Chester and share those views with our professional partners in the Local Authority, Social Care and Integrated Care Board (ICB) to improve the services and experience of families. We aim to bring parent carers and professionals together to create a culture of participation and co-production

Purpose of this report

The purpose of this report is to amplify the voices of parent carers who have children with SEND, and to communicate their experiences, concerns and challenges related to SEND provisions in CWAC. It is an opportunity to compare and contrast key themes from the last survey and to see how parents perceive the level of services, support, and communication for their children.

Parent Carer Forum – Survey 2024 Results Summary.pdf

Cheshire West & Chester Parent Carer Forum Special Educational Needs and or Disability (SEND) 2023/24 Survey Results & Further Analysis (April 2024).pdf