June 2023

Dear Parents/Carers

I have the greatest pleasure in attaching a copy of our most recent SIAMS inspection report.  SIAMS is the “Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools”. They inspect how effective the school’s distinctive Christian vision is both established and promoted to ensure all pupils and adults are enabled to flourish. Once again, this report is wonderful to read and is a sharp contrast to any SIAMS report the predecessor school received. To say I am proud is an understatement.

To receive such amazing reports from both OFSTED and SIAMS within the same week is incredible and a wonderful endorsement of all that we do here at EPC. The final paragraph on the report encapsulates the impact of the journey we have been on since joining the Frank Field Education Trust.

“The dynamic synergy between the ambitiousness of leaders and the Trust transforms lives at The Ellesmere Port Church of England College. Ignited by the Christian vision, a powerful sense of ambition for all shines like a beacon of hope and possibility.”

Once again I hope you enjoy reading the report as much as I did.

Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) Report (4-5 May 2023)

Kind Regards

Mrs C M Green
