14 July 2021 – Letter to All Parents & Carers

14 July 2021 – Uniform & Appearance Information

As we close for the summer holiday I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for all of your support through what has been an unprecedented year for us all. This year has been challenging and rewarding in equal measure, but throughout it all, our community here at EPC have consistently displayed our moral virtues which are embedded in our Christian faith, especially the virtues of integrity, courage and compassion.

Despite COVID, our pupils have excelled both academically and socially, and this term has allowed us to experience some normality with experience week, sports day and activities with external providers.

None of this work would have been possible without the support of the staff, FFET trust, the Diocese, our governing body, you our parents and carers and of course our amazing pupils.

Our summer term will end on Friday 16th July 2021 at 2:00pm with pupils being dismissed from 1:30pm.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the staff members who are moving on to pastures new at the end of this term. All of these colleagues have contributed so much during their time at EPC and we wish them every success and happiness for the future. We have recruited new staff for next academic year, many of whom are outstanding teachers and leaders with a proven track record. I am sure you will join me in making all of our new staff very welcome and I will write to you at the start of next academic year to introduce you to them.

Below are the arrangements for the start of term which includes on site testing for all pupils.   I also enclose with this letter a reminder regarding our uniform expectations from Mr Murphy.

We will be welcoming pupils back to the College on Thursday 2nd September 2021 and the arrangements are as follows:

  • Year 7 and 6th form are expected to arrive at 8.45am
  • Year 8 are expected to arrive at 10.45am
  • Year 9 are expected to arrive at 10.45am
  • Year 10 are expected to arrive at 9.45am
  • Year 11 are expected to arrive at 10.45am

All pupils should enter via the pupil entrance where they will be met by their Form Tutor. 

We also suggest that the parents of all new Year 7 students activate their ParentPay account, following the guidance in the letter you will receive in the post.   Please top up the account if your child will be using our catering service for lunch.

During the first two weeks, we will be conducting on-site asymptomatic testing for pupils. The pupils will have two tests each. Pupils will then continue to test at home twice a week, using the test kits provided.

As we already have a record of consent for pupils to take part in the testing, there is no requirement to complete this document again. For our new Year 7 pupils, a copy of the consent form has been emailed to you for completion and return.

All that is left is to wish you and your family a safe and relaxing holiday period.