Welcome from the Executive Head Teacher
I am extremely proud and privileged to be the Executive Head Teacher of The Ellesmere Port Church of England College, located at the heart of the community in Ellesmere Port.
We are a Church of England College which strives to live out its vision:
‘To act justly, to love with mercy and to walk humbly with our God’– Micah 6:8.
As a Christian school, we live out this vision on a daily basis, promoting our moral virtues of: Courage, Justice, Honesty, Compassion, Gratitude, Humility, Integrity and Respect. We believe that working with our young people’s families, promoting these virtues will result in our children becoming good adults.
I am honoured to be leading the College on its transformational journey with the Frank Field Education Trust (FFET). The Trust was formed by the Rt Hon Frank Field MP, and its vision of ‘Social Justice through Excellence in Education’ ensures that no child is left behind, regardless of background.
We want the College to provide a high quality education, ensuring all children gain the cultural capital, necessary for a choice-filled life and we want our College to be recognised as the best locally, nationally and globally.
Our motto across the trust is simply “Aspire to Be More” and we have developed a curriculum that will enable pupils to acquire a set of knowledge, skills and behaviours that will enable them to lead a choice-filled life, guided by a moral compass.
We instil into students a desire to “Be More” and in doing so enable them to make a real difference to society.
Cath Green
Executive Head Teacher (@CathGreenEPC)
Frank Field Education Trust
The Frank Field Education Trust believes that social justice can only be achieved when all barriers to success have been removed. The Trust formed with the explicit intention of delivering world-class education through academic excellence, a rich curriculum and wider opportunities for all children.
Click Here to find out more about The Frank Field Education Trust

How to Find Us
The Ellesmere Port Church of England College
164 Whitby Road, Ellesmere Port
Cheshire CH65 6EA
Telephone: 0151 350 6000
Email: info@epcollege.org